
Mennica Legacy Tower has reached 100 meters high!

Mennica Legacy Tower has reached 100 meters high!
Mennica Legacy Tower has reached 100 meters

Data publikacji: 2018-11-20
Oryginalny tytuł wiadomości prasowej: Mennica Legacy Tower has reached 100 meters high!
Kategoria: BIZNES, Nieruchomości

Mennica Legacy Tower has reached 100 meters high!

Mennica Legacy Tower has reached 100 meters high! BIZNES, Nieruchomości - Mennica Legacy Tower has reached 100 meters high!

Mennica Legacy Tower has joined the elite group of Warsaw buildings whose construction measures over 100 meters. The high-rise building, developed by Golub GetHouse and Mennica Polska S.A. at the intersection of Prosta and Żelazna streets in Warsaw, will reach its final height of 140 meters in the Q1 2019.

Intensive works to build the Tower and the 43-metre-high lower part of the complex, the so-called Western Building, are currently underway on the construction site of Mennica Legacy Tower. Warbud, the general contractor of the investment, is simultaneously carrying out subsequent stages of construction works in both buildings of the office complex.

In the 140-metre-high Tower, located in the eastern part of the plot, the construction of the floor-ceiling assembly of the 26th floor at the height of 100 meters has already been completed. Thus, there are 7 storeys left to reach the final height. Construction works are scheduled to be completed in the Q1 2019. Elevators for levels from 0 to +18 and elements of the glass façade are being installed at the same time. Works related to distribution of installations in shafts, on technical floors and individual office floors (from 0 to +12) are also in progress.

On the other hand, in the 43-metre-high Western Building, all construction works have already come to an end, and the assembly of the last elements and details of the glass façade is in the process of being completed. Elevators have already been installed in the building and appropriate installations have been distributed. Currently, finishing works are underway in elevator halls, where natural stone cladding is being laid, among others the Indian granite SHIVAKASHI and the travertine stone TRAVERTINO ROMANO. At the beginning of December, the Western Building will be delivered to the exclusive tenant, WeWork, for finishing and arrangement works.

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Wojciech Kłopocki, Project Manager at Golub GetHouse, said: “The construction of Mennica Legacy Tower is progressing at a very fast pace, in accordance with our plans and the schedule of the entire project. Almost from week to week the structure of the complex sees another storey added. As a result, the building is noticeable from more and more distant parts of Warsaw, fitting into the landscape of the capital's high-rise buildings. Apart from the works visible to the naked eye for all passers-by, we are also carrying out intensive finishing works on the underground storeys, for example in the garage halls, which will soon be ready for use. In recent months, we have also carried out the necessary insulation and substructure works in the area surrounding the buildings of the complex, including the inner city square, where stone tile flooring will soon be laid. In December, the first landscaping elements will also be made: the construction of benches and retaining walls limiting the green area. As a result, the outline of the development of public spaces surrounding Mennica Legacy Tower will be clearly visible.”

Mennica Legacy Tower

The 140-metre-high Tower with the neighbouring 43-metre-high Western Building will offer a total of 65,630 m2 of modern office space. The project was designed by the renowned Chicago-based architecture firm Goettsch Partners, which decided to work with the well-established design consultants Epstein.

The Mennica Legacy Tower will combine unique architecture, the latest technologies, functionality and top-quality. Both buildings will feature advanced technological systems increasing the continuity and reliability of the buildings’ systems as well as improving the security of tenants. The Mennica Legacy Tower will also feature the latest mobile technologies enabling tenants to communicate with the building using a smartphone and a mobile app.

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The tenants of the Mennica Legacy Tower office space include law firms Noerr Biedecki sp.k. and Allen & Overy, as well as the world leader in coworking spaces, WeWork, the sole tenant of the Western Building. The unique offer of the complex will be enhanced by retail and service spaces, which will be developed, among others, by the MEET & EAT restaurant concept and Zdrofit fitness club.

The entire project will be completed in line with the demanding requirements of the BREAAM international environmental certificate with an “Outstanding” rating. The entire complex will be open in autumn 2019.

źródło: Biuro Prasowe
Mennica Legacy Tower has reached 100 meters high! BIZNES, Nieruchomości - Mennica Legacy Tower has reached 100 meters high!
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