AXI IMMO Report: Industrial market in Poland Q3 2017

AXI IMMO Report: Industrial market in Poland Q3 2017
Changes in a hot industrial market in Poland. Developers are active, but less inclined to risk: speculative investments decrease and rents increase in selected

Data publikacji: 2017-11-15
Oryginalny tytuł wiadomości prasowej: AXI IMMO Report: Industrial market in Poland Q3 2017
Kategoria: BIZNES,

Changes in a hot industrial market in Poland. Developers are active, but less inclined to risk: speculative investments decrease and rents increase in selected locations.

AXI IMMO Report: Industrial market in Poland Q3 2017 BIZNES, - Changes in a hot industrial market in Poland. Developers are active, but less inclined to risk: speculative investments decrease and rents increase in selected locations.

źródło: Biuro Prasowe
AXI IMMO Report: Industrial market in Poland Q3 2017 BIZNES, - Changes in a hot industrial market in Poland. Developers are active, but less inclined to risk: speculative investments decrease and rents increase in selected locations.
Hashtagi: #BIZNES #


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